Friday 9 October 2009

Flying Stick Camera by Tsunho Wang

Just like a toy propeller, we make ‘Flying STICK’ flying by our hands.
We put the ‘Flying STICK’ between the palm of the hand and rub our hands, then ‘Flying STICK’ flies in the sky with the spin.
Most people who see the flying ‘Flying STICK’ want to catch the ‘Flying STICK’.
So they probably run and jump to catch it.
‘Flying STICK’ has a camera at the bottom of the body.
It can take a picture through being in the sky.
‘Flying STICK’ continuous takes a photograph from beginning to fly to landing in hand.
We discover our pure and natural smile using the ‘Flying STICK’.

Es como un juguete con hélice, nosotros hacemos  volar ‘Flying STICK’ con nuestras manos.
Lo ponemos entre nuestras manos y lo hacemos frotar, ‘Flying STICK’ volara en el cielo con su propio giro.

La mayoría de la gente que ve ‘Flying STICK’ volando quiere agarrarlo.
Por lo tanto probablemente correrán y saltaran  para agarrarlo.

‘Flying STICK’ tiene una camara en la parte inferior de su cuerpo. Puede tomar fotos desde que empieza a volar.

Saca fotos continuamente desde el comienzo de su vuelo hasta que aterriza.
Descubrimos nuestra pura y natural sonrisa utilizando ‘Flying STICK’.

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